Thursday, May 22, 2008

my aunt is cool

my aunt sent me an email with some awesome cuppie ideas...

first, this book, she found at Sur la Table.
[great gift idea....but there's no gift giving occasions coming up soon...shoot.]

second, Ace of Cakes is on FoodNetwork. these are "baby cupcakes" made for a...
you guessed it, baby SHOWER!
stace, i think this is a sign...that you are to make them.

lastly, super-cute cuppie holders. these are geared for wedding cuppiecakes.
found at which, looks pretty awesome...kt, take note.


Kt said... Best Blogger Tips

ahha okayyyy

1.) yayyy for auntie! she is cool hee hee

2.) i would feel uncomf eating babies

3.) totes cute cuppy holders!!!...I'll buy the'll only have like 150 cuppies to make...I'll help of course! We'll get an assembly line going! And mikey will build us a tiered thing to put them on!

*Stace* said... Best Blogger Tips

ha ha! those are pretty cute! i don't think i have the time or artistic ability to make them though :-/. .and agree w/kt on feeling uncomfortable biting a baby's head off . .

totes available for the assembly line! :-)

freeandflawed said... Best Blogger Tips

Your blog is bad for my newly found abs.