Tuesday, April 26, 2011

easter weekend

our Easter was a pretty simple ordeal.

i made cake balls - chocolate cake, chocolate frosting and white vanilla candy coating.

Josh and I slept in late Friday and lounged around until our church's Good Friday service.

Easter Sunday we had church then spent the afternoon at his gram's house.

 look at my sexy husband!

this is max. Josh calls him maxi-pad.

 not sure why i made this face.

much better.

Josh's birthday cake...balls.

 max wants one!

Josh and Olivia, the cutest dog ever!

i hope you all had awesome times with family and friends, lots of food and lots of love!!


Hannah {Culture Connoisseur} said... Best Blogger Tips

Oh, I love cake balls! I just wish they were called something prettier than "cake balls." :)

My friend made these for me for my birthday last year and I couldn't get enough. These are perfect for Easter, I'm sure they were a huge hit!

Heather @ Simple Wives said... Best Blogger Tips

Love cake balls!! Those look so pretty for Easter!