This year there were some amazing events in my life:
1) Hubby started a new job which meant paid vacation, sick days, healthcare, and many future opportunities
2) WE BOUGHT A HOUSE. Yep, in July of 2012, after barely two weeks of looking/talking/house hunting we made an offer and found the perfect house. It's not a starter home, it's a long-term...forever? home. We love it here. And I can't wait to (at some point) share our progress.
3) I, with my now very good friend Mandi, continued studying for and took our NCIDQ test for Interior Design Certification. We found out almost a month ago we both passed!!
4) Both my sister and one of my best friends are pregnant! We will be welcoming a new niece in February and nephew (my good friend is an only child so their little boy will have lots of "auntie-but-not-really-related" aunts!!
5) I am attempting to get back into the gym routine with said friend Mandi, and hoping to continue with a healthier lifestyle in the new year!!

I've still been cooking, baking, and decorating up a storm over here. But am I back for good? We will see, though I'm sure I am still not up to any regular postings. But maybe I'll have even more great things to come back and share this year!
Happy New Year, all!!